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მათი შეფასებები, ვინც უკვე იმოგზაურა ჩვენთან ერთად

- 15.11.2023 -

Wei Chen

I went on the Tea tour in Guria and it was fantastic. Picking tea leaves was a unique experience, and making my own tea was a highlight. Turns out this country has also a history tea making just like my own. The hosts told me about the story of ... მთლიანი ტექსტის ჩვენება

- 19.10.2023 -

Élise Martin

As I see the website is quite new. Great catalogue and many stuff to choose from although I hesitated a little bit to book something really expensive, so I booked a relatively cheap Wine Tasting near Kutaisi, since I am still there for a ... მთლიანი ტექსტის ჩვენება

- 22.09.2023 -

Natalia Ivanenko

I booked a vegetarian cooking masterclass on "Bord". I arrived solo, and Chef Irina extended such a warm and inviting welcome! Together, we prepared a delightful feast consisting of three delectable dishes and even crafted some sweet ... მთლიანი ტექსტის ჩვენება

- 12.09.2023 -

Priya Kapoor

My Samegrelo tour was awesome! First, we hopped on a boat in Kolkheti National Park. It was so peaceful, just nature and water everywhere. Next, we explored the Dadianebi Palace, and wow, it was like stepping into history. But the best ... მთლიანი ტექსტის ჩვენება